Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment # 6

Assignment (Due 10/29): Choose a passage from one of the Anti-Federalist writers, write out the passage and give your interpretation of the passage, then explain what this passage means to you or why you chose it.
Anti federalist #14

"The recital, or premises on which the new form of government is erected, declares a consolidation or union of all the thirteen parts, or states, into one great whole, under the form of the United States, for all the various and important purposes therein set forth. But whoever seriously considers the immense extent of territory comprehended within the limits of the United States, together with the variety of its climates, productions, and commerce, the difference of extent, and number of inhabitants in all; the dissimilitude of interest, morals, and politics, in almost every one, will receive it as an intuitive truth, that a consolidated republican form of government therein, can never form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to you and your posterity, for to these objects it must be directed. This unkindred legislature therefore, composed of interests opposite and dissimilar in their nature, will in its exercise, emphatically be like a house divided against itself.”

 The passage above is stating that the United states has 15 states and every state has differences therefor, forming a perfect government that will direct this amount of people from separate climates, separate productions and commerce is nearly impossible. Trying to promote a government that will keep all  these states is insane. Everyone has a way of growing up,different opinions and ways of seen life. The way i see it is if 100 people make up the United States and 50 are anti immigration and the other 50 are pro, than what kind of government is going to be build to make everyone happy. Having to govern the United states with such a population density is more like dividing all cities and everyone deciding what best fits their society.

Go to the link for "American Politics." Look up the section "Federalism" and explain the differences between horizontal and vertical federalism. 

Horizontal federalism: this involves interactions and common programmes among the 50 states.

In other words horizontal federalism tries to cooperate with all governing of the 50 states to come to conclusions. If there is no agreement between each other than the government loses legitimacy when it comes to making a better living life for people.
Vertical federalism: this is viewed as the traditional form of federalism as it sees the actions of the national government as supreme within their constitutional sphere.The states without the government simply would not be able to function. They need to always interact with each other because thats the only way finances and many other resources are brought up.

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